Battery Series: Volvo’s Strategy To Combine Performance And Safety

Volvo, known for its top-notch safety standards, has remained silent in the race to electrification. With serious plans for electrification and electric vehicle (EV) battery development, Volvo has a clear ‘safety and integrated’ roadmap to 2030. If you look at any major automaker in their battery series, they have a customized formula for competing in EVs. battery market. This could be all in-house development, collaboration with battery developers, or partnering with innovative start-ups to achieve breakthroughs in battery technology. In the case of Volvo, these options have also been enhanced according to the company’s characteristics, resulting in a clear and progressively improving roadmap towards the 2030 zero emissions goal. The first big step is to make 50% of all cars manufactured by 2025 electric. To that end, sales of Volvo Recharge, which represents the brand’s advanced hybrid and all-electric vehicles, exploded in 2023. In July, worldwide sales of Volvo cars increased by 21% compared to a year ago, reaching 54,165 units, and in total 395,856 cars were sold.