Land Rover Extended Warranty: Coverage And Costs (2024)

Affiliate disclosure: Automoblog and its partners may receive a commission if you purchase coverage from the extended warranty providers discussed herein. These fees will be paid to us at no additional cost to you. Our research team has carefully reviewed dozens of extended warranty providers.See our privacy policy… Source:

Land Rover Extended Warranty: Coverage And Costs (2024)

Land Rover does not list specific term or mileage limits on its international website, but says the extended warranty allows for “unlimited claims up to the purchase price of the Land Rover.” Coverage continues until the cost of repairing your vehicle equals its value on the date of purchase. This rare… Source:

Costs And Coverage (2024 Guide)

Affiliate disclosure: Automoblog and its partners may receive a commission if you purchase coverage from the extended warranty providers discussed herein. These fees will be paid to us at no additional cost to you. Our research team carefully reviewed data from dozens of extensions. Source:

Rising Financing Costs And Falling Values ​​put Buyers At Risk Of Flipping Their Auto Loans Upside Down

Customers who buy cars now are at risk of defaulting on their car loans, analysts warn. As car values ​​fall, financing costs are rising. “What we’re seeing is just the tip of the negative equity iceberg,” said Edmunds analyst Ivan Drury. If you recently took out a loan to purchase a car, Source: