U.S. Customers Who Purchase A 2022 BMW EV Will Receive A Free 30-minute Charge From Electrify America For Two Years.

Charging network Electrify America has announced a partnership with BMW North America to provide new BMW drivers with free 30-minute charging sessions for two years from the date of purchase. Free charging will begin in March to begin sales of his two new cars in the United States. Source: electrek.co

California To Receive Care Through Volvo Vehicle Subscription Program Starting In February

Volvo has announced that California residents can now select the Care by Volvo offer. In case you didn’t know what it is, it’s a vehicle subscription program. This means you buy a vehicle with monthly payments that include everything but the fuel. Source: www.autoevolution.com

Changes To The EV Tax Credit Will Soon Allow Low-income Buyers To Receive The Full $7,500 Amount.

The IRS today announced new guidance on the EV tax credit, which means starting next year, low- and moderate-income buyers will receive the full $7,500 credit even if they don’t owe the full tax liability. will be able to receive it. The Inflation Control Act included major changes to the EV tax credit. Source: electrek.co