Best Used Cars For New Teenage Drivers

My nephew will be 16 years old in May. In addition to gifting him a trip, Bondurant Teen Driving School (Shhh! Don’t say it. Surprise!), I’ve done a lot of research on what kind of car he should drive. I’m saying no to the Jeep Wrangler – even if that’s what he wants… Source:

Top 8 Used Cars For Teenage Drivers

Obtaining a driver’s license is an important milestone for most teens. Showing up to school with a new whip is the stuff of every teenager’s dream. However, not all parents share the same excitement. For many parents, getting a new license means worrying about whether or not they will get it. Source:

Best Used Cars For New Teenage Drivers

My nephew will be 16 years old in May. In addition to gifting him a trip, Bondurant Teen Driving School (Shhh! Don’t say it. Surprise!), I’ve done a lot of research on what kind of car he should drive. I’m saying no to the Jeep Wrangler – even if that’s what he wants… Source:

Best Used Cars For New Teenage Drivers

My nephew will be 16 in May. In addition to gifting him a trip, Bondurant Teen Driving School (Shhh! Don’t say it. Surprise!), I’ve done a lot of research on what kind of car he should drive. I’m saying no to the Jeep Wrangler – even if that’s what he wants… Source: